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Phonics at Four Oaks

At Four Oaks we teach phonics through the implementation of the Read Write Inc. programme in the EYFS (Reception classes) and KS1.  RWI is an early phonics and reading programme that provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching phonics and early literacy. It follows an interactive approach which includes a number of short tasks so that children are involved and engaged throughout the whole session. It is designed to create fluent, independent readers, confident speakers, independent spellers and willing writers.


RWI links phonics with reading and writing. During a typical RWI session, children will learn a new letter sound and practise reading words containing that sound. They will learn the formation of the letters and write words using the new taught sound with an emphasis on spelling. Following this, children are introduced to their book for the session which is linked to the new letter sounds learnt. They are taught the green and red ‘tricky’ words contained in the book and reading strategies that they can employ in their reading of the text are discussed. Children work with their reading partner to read through the text, supporting each other as they read using the strategies modelled by the teacher.



The quality of Phonics teaching at Four Oaks


Thank you for another productive day at Four Oaks.  It was wonderful to watch such wonderful teaching in Y1/2 groups which is a product of consistant CPD, hard work and determination.  From your initial training, it has been such a treat to watch RWI grow where we now have Reading Teacher's who are confident, knowledgeable and obviously love teaching children to read!


We have a clear plan in Year 1 for the run up to PSC, with a predicted 88% on track.


Many thanks


Tracy Foster

Consultant Trainer, Ruth Miskin Training




Early Reading


There is a strong emphasis in the school on enabling every child to read whether they have SEN/D, from disadvantaged backgrounds etc to be able to read.  The data in 2019 suggests that most pupils meet age-related expectations but importantly, there is a determination among leaders that every child, who is cognitively able, will read.  The change to an accredited scheme reinforces this determination.


In implementing the RWI programme, there are phonemes on display in classrooms to remind and reinforce the programme with children.  There are displays to promote reading around the teaching bases, in corridors, in library areas.


Reading is a high priority for leaders as seen in the improvement plan and in the annual emphasis on reading.  There is a priority for children to be able to 'see themselves' in books and a push for diversity in characters, settings, circumstances and in authors.


In lessons and in the structure of the school day, there is a strong emphasis on learning and practising phonemes, decoding, segmenting and blending.  Daily 30 minute practice for all is in place in phonics sessions but additional teaching for individuals and groups of children.  This demonstrates a sense of urgency in getting children to read.


School Improvement Partner's review of Reading, Autumn term 2021.






Below you can find links to a range of information booklets which provide more information about the Read Write Inc Phonics programme and how you can support your child with their phonics learning at home.
